National Action Plan (NAP)

Since the adoption of Resolution 1325 by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2000 as a measure in securing the participation and protection of women in conflict and post-conflict situations.
Resolution 1325 (on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) seeks to address the impact of war on women and girls by promoting the importance of women’s full and equal participation in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction. The components of resolution 1325 on WPS agenda include participation, protection, and prevention.
Thus, the UN considers the greater participation of its Member States as a means to achieving the goals of this resolution. For this reason, the Dutch government has chosen its implementing method of the National Action Plan (NAP). It is true that women have been given an additional tool with UNSC res. 1325, but for us to use it to the full, we need more financial and human resources support. Men need to invest their time in assisting women to achieve this goal.
Foundation CENDDOW has made it a priority to send educational books regularly to women and children of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in camps in the northern region of Nigeria. These are the ones that do not have any form of education or their education is interrupted due to conflicts and violence in that region. Other civil society organizations are providing other basic necessities for the IDPs in the camp.
We all know that education is vital to every human development and it is the total process of human learning by which knowledge and skills are imparted and developed respectively. In other words, it is the broad caption that involves all forms of learning both in school and out of school.
Thus, CENDDOW volunteers strive not to allow conflicts nor violence to disrupt their educational opportunities. Hence, sending books to IDPs encourages and motivates them in continuing their learning process in the camp. As this will pave way for the IDPs for the accessibility and boldness in standing for peace and reconciliation processes.
CENDDOW Participation in the implementation of Resolution 1325
Since 2018, Foundation CENDDOW has remained a staunch signatory partner for the implementation of United Nations Resolution 1325. Through our membership to WO=MEN platform, we are able to provide our un-relenting support to the implementation of this agreement to the emancipation of women everywhere in the world.
CENDDOW’s Activity on UNSC-Resolution 1325
CENDDOW actions align with the Dutch National Action Plan (NAP) on the implementation of Resolution 1325. Thus, CENDDOW carries out the following activities in support of the Dutch NAP of Resolution 1325.