Read More About Us
Remarkably, since the registration of Stichting CENDDOW as migrant non-profit organisation of African origin, it has joined forces in contributing to the realization of the founding goals through expansion of activities of the organisation.
Currently, Stichting CENDDOW is led by a board that coordinates the activities of the organisation and has colleagues of mainly volunteers and interns that assist in the running of the organisation.
Migrants in Stichting CENDDOW service are experienced from their long period of membership in other migrants’ ethnic associations and platforms.
Our relationships with leading development institutions have also earned us appropriate knowledge from resulting skill training, participations in development events and implementation of projects in both the host and countries of origin.
We continue to be part of seminars, conferences and workshops organised by like-minded and mainstream organisations and stakeholders in development cooperation.
Active contributions of Stichting CENDDOW in furthering migrants’ bond for development are evidenced in the part we had played in past activities of the Global African Conferences and our roles on the Sixth Chapter of the African Union, international conventions and resolutions.
+31 614 788 666
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